Data protection & privacy training

Misuse or mishandling of data can lead to severe consequences, including substantial financial, legal, and reputational harm, making employee training on data protection and privacy (DPP) critical. Effective DPP training fosters a culture of awareness and responsibility, ensuring that every employee understands their role in protecting data and maintaining organizational trust and integrity. 


of clients report that working with LRN has helped them foster a culture of compliance


of clients said that working with LRN led to increased program effectiveness over the past year


of clients state LRN’s course customization is the most important feature to them
two women desktop computer

Foster a culture of responsibility to mitigate risks

Promoting a culture of responsibility around data protection is essential to minimizing financial, legal, and reputational risks. As organizations handle various categories of sensitive information—from personal data to proprietary business insights and customer information—empowering employees to prioritize privacy and implement robust internal safeguards is crucial.
Proactive measures help build resilient and responsible cultures that go beyond meeting regulatory compliance; they demonstrate a commitment to ethical data use, build trust, and reduce the likelihood of risk. LRN's engaging training courses equip employees with the knowledge to integrate these best practices into daily operations, fostering a secure environment where privacy is respected, and risks are managed effectively. 

Training that meets and exceeds regulations

LRN's training content goes beyond mere complianceincorporating realistic scenarios and diverse perspectives, resonating deeply with learners and empowering them to apply learned concepts to everyday workplace operations. Our data privacy & training content adheres to global and regional regulations and follows guidelines set by: 

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 

  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) 

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 

  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) 

  • Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) 

  • Singapore MAS Tech Risk Management Guidelines 

  • Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 


Learning assets





The LRN experience

Legally relevant and reliable content information

LRN training upholds the highest standards of legal veracity, ensuring all content is accurate, truthful, and compliant with relevant laws and regulations, regionally and globally. 

Map to your risk profile

Create a data privacy and protection program that maps to your unique risk profile with courseware for your general population and specialist lessons for specific regions and employees with exposure to government officials operating in high-risk regions.

AI-driven analytics to monitor your risk

Use AI driven predictive insights to monitor your learning program and proactively track program performance and KPIs, minimizing company exposure to misconduct and risk.

Put our knowledge to work for you. Check out these relevant resources. 


The 2024 E&C Program Effectiveness Report


LRN Benchmark of Ethical Culture


Gamification in learning: Making compliance training more effective and fun


2024 Code of Conduct Report