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Organizing the best resources for E&C professionals

Creating a best-in-class ethics and compliance program is an ongoing engagement for most E&C professionals, one that requires access to practical and meaningful resources. But how do you know where to find reliable information? To help teams navigate the most relevant E&C topics facing their organizations, we created LRN collections that feature our best resources in key areas of ethics and compliance. Each collection provides E&C professionals with direct answers to frequently asked questions, as well as a curation of useful links to next steps. Here are eight reasons you can start using LRN collections to find the resources you need to establish or elevate your E&C program. 

Get practical tools for building an effective E&C program 

While 82% of ethics and compliance leaders surveyed in the 2022 Ethics & Compliance Program Effectiveness Report say their ethical culture is stronger—up three percentage points from last year—there are still several areas of opportunity for E&C to improve.  

This collection of practical E&C tools helps those with mature programs as well as those standing up a new program. It offers not only a copy of the 2022 E&C Program Effectiveness Report, but also an e-book, podcast, presentation template, and series of articles sharing best practices for ensuring E&C program effectiveness—in your communications, code of conduct, training courses, and C-suite presentations. 

Launch a DEI training program with confidence 

According to the 2022 Ethics & Compliance Program Effectiveness Report, 76% of high-impact E&C programs will be prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the coming year. As demand for DEI training in the E&C space continues to grow—it’s already a $100 million market priority—providing resources and frameworks can help your company better establish its organizational stance on DEI and foster a culture of acceptance.   

In this collection of diversity, equity, and inclusion resources, you’ll find articles showcasing training best practices and sampling award-winning DEI courses. You can also listen to episodes from LRN’s Principled Podcast featuring conversations with E&C professionals about how they are advancing DEI efforts at their own organizations. 

Improve your E&C program to meet manufacturing guidelines 

A recent Gallup report found that employee engagement rates in manufacturing are the lowest of any industry in the United States, with only 25% of employees considered to be engaged. For manufacturers, reinforcing company values through your ethics and compliance program can help overcome this potential engagement challenge.    

This manufacturing-specific E&C collection helps inspire ethical behavior in a highly regulated and constantly changing industry—complete with infographics, articles, and other materials containing E&C training strategies and insights into culture more broadly across manufacturing organizations.  

Get your board involved in building culture 

Boards of directors have significant impact on the priorities—and thereby culture—of a company. LRN research confirms that organizations with engaged boards were 2.5x more likely to emphasize company values, rather than rules and procedures, to inspire employees to do the right thing in difficult circumstances. 

Our collection featuring board directors includes several podcast and webinar discussions with both corporate and nonprofit board members, who cover everything from shaping company culture to their individual paths to the boardroom. This collection also includes LRN’s latest board-specific reports, including Activating Culture and Ethics from the Boardroom. 

Keep pace with the US Department of Justice 

How are US regulators addressing the demand side of corruption? What is the DOJ’s stance on corporate culture? This collection of DOJ and regulatory resources to help with compliance offers articles, reports, and Principled Podcast episodes that share best E&C practices and essential regulatory updates as DOJ guidance evolves.  

Write or refresh your code of conduct for impact 

Gone are the days of writing codes of conduct with pages of unreadable text, legalistic language, and corporate jargon. Today’s codes are expected to be visually engaging, readable, and useful to employees as guides to help them make ethical decisions and do the right thing.   

Our code of conduct collection includes E&C resources that provide best practices for ensuring your code of conduct reflects your culture—including LRN’s latest white paper Creating a code of conduct that inspires.  

Ensure people feel comfortable speaking up vs. whistleblowing 

Recent LRN research suggests that a lack of organizational justice and trust—two dimensions of organizational culture at play in recent whistleblower motivations—has an outsized impact in governing ethical behavior and decision-making. The effects of having a business where employees feel empowered to speak up is positive. If you are thinking about reducing the risk of whistleblowers, this collection of resources offers guidance for E&C professionals on how to create cultures where people feel comfortable speaking up to managers and leaders who listen up.  

Learn how values like integrity and trust influence business 

The most crucial factor identified in LRN’s latest research is that a values-based approach to governance builds and sustains ethical culture—the essential element of more effective ethics and compliance programs. Our research shows that an organization dedicated to sustainable human values will exhibit superior performance across operations and be significantly more successful at integrating E&C into its day-to-day operations. Values-based governance is also a foundational part of ESG, an area of increasing importance for organizations. 

This collection of resources offers data and best practices that prove a values-based approach to E&C works—including a guide for leaders on how to operationalize those values starting at the very top of your organization.  

The key takeaway 

Ethics and compliance professionals cover a wide variety of subjects in their day-to-day work. Access to a curated selection of popular E&C resources can help you get the answers you need quickly, without digging through pages of search results. To see more resources on creating a best-in-class E&C program, check out the new E&C Insights section of LRN.com.