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Corporate Training Tools & Technology: Tools That Can Drive You Forward - Interactive Services

Corporate training has improved tremendously over time with the focus of culture, integration of eLearning, and use of social media. With so many technological avenues, it can be tricky  implementing solutions that improve your organization. Technology continues to move, and testing them out before they move too fast is never a bad idea! Consider these tools to help drive your business forward.

Remote Access Software

Remote Access Software is no rookie either, but needs to be mentioned. This allows employees to access the corporate network from any computer or device. RAS is incredibly helpful in allowing staff to train on their own time, at their convenience. Some softwares conclude apps so that courses can  be worked on while traveling for example. Your IT team can also assist employees easier by having access outside of work when issues arise; or to improve the network in general after hours.


Video Conferencing

This is not new by any means but it seems forgotten in the mix of MOOCs, social media, and so on. Videoconferencing is a popular form of communication, both personally and professionally. For your business, videoconferencing allows real time instructors to train employees as if it were face to face. For more casual trainings, they could take place after work hours – and employees can still interact with one another depending on what service you choose. Screenshots, file sharing, and chat rooms all add to the engagement factor and allow for an enjoyable, yet informative session.

Particularly savvy with video conferencing is the ability to screen share. Staff, management, and trainers can all see documents and files while questions are being asked. Perhaps an employee needs a quick fix on an issue: a supervisor can assist on the spot without leaving their desk. This is key for companies that span locations and need to have a streamlined corporate training session.

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