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2 Ways To Make Compliance Training More Effective

Compliance is a difficult issue to tackle, but two things make compliance training more effective: communication and practice. I recently shared a number of ways that organizations can improve E&C training through elevated communication and simulation techniques with ATD

1. Communicate Clearly and Concisely

  • Middle managers can be the key to effective communications between senior leaders and employees because middle managers speak in terms that employees understand, whereas senior leaders generally do not. To learn more about purpose-inspired leadership, read our recent report on the state of moral leadership.
  • Ensuring the adaptation of core messages by tailoring teaching scenarios and using local, in-country examples increases relatability.
  • Simplifying a statement increases the likelihood that people will understand and retain the message.

2. Empower Employees to Make Ethical Decisions

  • Ethical decision making in today’s high-pressured, hyper-transparent, global environment is not always clear-cut. Companies should work to give their employees opportunities to practice ethical decision making.
  • Creating formal or informal opportunities to simulate the environment, expose potential pressure points, and explore competing perspectives that may occur in real life can provide great avenues for developing ethical decision-making skills. To learn more about creating effective E&C programs, download our 2018 Program Effectiveness Report.
  • Placing employees in environments that can help simulate real ethical dilemmas allows them to practice collaborating, seeking guidance, and truly owning the learning experience.

I will be speaking on "Credibility and Behavior" at ATD's Talent Development Across Industries (TDI) at Yale University in October. Read the full article here