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LRN wins 2020 Telly Award for code of conduct training video

At the 2020 Telly Awards, LRN took home a Silver in the Craft: Non-Broadcast category for its use of 2D animation in an ethics and compliance training video. The video, "Code of Conduct – Circus Introduction," provides a high-level overview of creating an effective code of conduct and why it matters that everyone in an organization abide by their company code.

Production credits

Director/Animator – Nicholas Dennis, LRN
Head of Content – Jennifer Farthing, LRN
Writer – John Webb, LRN

Video transcription

Circus ringmaster: Come on in, folks! Don't be shy! Be prepared to witness...

Narrator: (Speaks over ringmaster) Ok, the show is about to start and our performance is everything.

Narrator: Our reputation and success depend on the decisions and actions of our cast of characters—whatever we do, wherever we work. Every action we take must honor our company values and our code, as well as being in full compliance with the law. Ethical behavior is everyone's responsibility. That behavior is based on our decisions, and how we make a decisions says as much about who we are as a business as the decision itself. 

Narrator: Our code is much more than a list of compliance obligations. It's designed to be a practical guide to performing together to be the best we can be. If an answer can't be found in the code, be aware of your safety net and seek guidance from colleagues who may have useful insights and experience—such as a manager, HR representative, or compliance officer. Or speak up! Reporting your concern when you see or suspect anything illegal, unethical, or unsafe enables the company to do something about it.