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LRN’s Susan Divers in The Wall Street Journal’s Morning Risk Report

Smart companies structure their ethics and compliance programs to get employees to consider the ethical implications of the decisions they make before they make them, explains LRN’s Susan Divers in The Wall Street Journal’s Morning Risk Report. These companies take actions that lead to a stronger workplace culture and improved company performance.

“The best compliance programs act as a microcosm of what people in an organization should be doing–ideally by laying out specific behaviors,” she says.

Smart companies also understand that worker rules and regulations don’t really work as a motivator or as a guide for how to behave. “Most companies’ policies are a nightmare, they’re almost impossible to understand if you are not a lawyer,” she said.

LRN’s PEI Report identifies workplace behaviors that can better bring out positive changes to culture and performance. Companies that want to change their programs to become more values-focused can start by talking more about their values and their mission, she adds. “Employees get that and want to do right thing most of the time. They want to feel part of something bigger.”

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