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5 Ways to Tailor Compliance Training to Your Audience - Interactive Services

Developing a compliance training curriculum that “sticks” with the entire audience you wish to impress can be challenging. There are as many factors in creating a compliance training program as people you wish to engage in that program. It is imperative compliance training be inclusive of all employees.

We offer 5 ways to tailor your compliance training to fit your audience

1) Watch your tone, please.

Remember that you are rolling out a compliance training program that has to appeal to and engage multiple different people. The more vibrance and energy you put into the training, the more people will take part. Compliance training should never be a stodgy or scolding repetition of corporate rules, but a fresh approach to getting the entire team to work together in a productive and professional manner. Humor and engaging content are great tools to use to guarantee that a compliance training program will not mire itself in boring reiterations of what can already be read in the employee handbook.

2) Have you made your compliance training accessible to all?

The largest factor in insuring complete compliance training for a group is guaranteeing all members of that group access to the training. To accomplish that, you have to assess every need an employee has and craft their training according to their schedule.

3) Using both multimedia and internet technology in delivering the training content

Not just meetings scheduled during work hours, but mobile applications that allow the trainees to take quizzes and respond to questionnaires. Internet solutions that allow the audience to study blocks of the compliance training online, and at their own speed. Online forums where employees can voice their concerns about and opinions of the compliance training readily. The web offers all kinds of tools for ensuring engagement and “group-wide” participation. When internet and mobile solutions are offered, the employee will feel more engaged by the fact they can access their training in different ways.

4) Encourage feedback and questions

Compliance training should not be a one -sided affair. There’s no quicker way to shut down an audience than to roll out a training program that allows no feedback and interactive behavior. When you include your employees in the compliance training, you encourage them to take an active part in the training. Asking people for their feedback and opinions is the best way to make someone feel included and important.

5) Know your audience. Without that you cannot move ahead.

This is essential to moving ahead with a compliance training program. If you don’t know who and what your audience is, you will be lost when it comes time to engage them in compliance training. Take the time to understand every person in every department. Some tools to use can be rolled out as a “Pre-compliance” questionnaire, with titles along these lines:

  • “If you could, what would you change at company XYZ?”
  • “What ways can you think of to improve the accounting department at XYZ company?”
  • “How do you see yourself in five years within XYZ company?”

Questionnaires like this help gauge the culture at a company while highlighting concerns employees may have. These types of questionnaires tell as much about the people answering them as they tell about the employees perspective of the company.

It’s all about improving the company culture, for everyone

Compliance training isn’t just about the c-level employees, or the folks in the installation department. It’s about everyone in the company. Improving revenue and financial outlooks starts with the lowest level employee and works its way upward. When you are ready to see what compliance training can do for your company please contact us

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