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Mobile Learning & Anti-Harassment Training and Discrimination Training - Interactive Services

Depending on what you’re specifically covering, anti- harassment compliance training can be two things: time consuming and uncomfortable. As mentioned before, some people are afraid to ask questions during training sessions and this is definitely a topic that would scare employees away. Harassment doesn’t have to be blatant; it’s usually the subtle and minor offenses that cause the most issues in the workplace. You can tackle both the awkwardness and the training itself by using mobile learning for anti-harassment compliance training.


Mobile learning allows staff to get comfortable with the subject while presenting key information such as: What defines sexual harassment? How does it get reported? After reporting, what happens to the victim and the accused? The interactive modules are thorough and include scenarios as well as objectives for employees to engage with.


As workplaces diversify daily, barriers are now lifted with mobile courses as they can be provided in 20+ languages. Covering your company’s own policies and federal laws is made easy with accessibility. This ensures that all employees have an understanding of anti-harassment on the local and national level; classroom instructors can hinder progress and reach for training.


The mobile content will allow your staff to learn at their pace, and still be able to follow up with company leaders about concerns without the dread of being put on the spit in front of colleagues. You’ll also be able to add your own content, like an FAQ, of common questions you know your employees may ask.


Interactives Services offers a comprehensive anti-harassment training with an array of topics. We can customize the training to your company’s needs to ensure the most effective course possible. Contact us to find out how.



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