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Gamification's Impact on Corporate Training: Key Gamification Benefits - Interactive Services

Gamification is an alternate approach to traditional eLearning that provides engaging, immersive, and effective learning experiences. By using gaming principles learners can be encouraged to apply what what learned in their job functions. If you haven’t already researched gasification or infused it into your training, now is the perfect time.


Core Advantages:

  1. Sense of accomplishment
  2. Friendly competition
  3. Encourages audience to progress through the content
  4. Enhances user engagement


As you simulate real life situations in training with gaming, your staff feels a deep sense of accomplishment that translates to behavior change. The feeling of getting it right will pervade through tasks and encourage them to want to “get it right” during their work routine too.


Your staff will have fun, which will enable the content to “stick”. People tend to remember how you made them feel, not what you said. Even after the training has ended, your employees will remember the feelings of winning, competition, and team work; these feelings bind to the information which will increase retention.


Gamification can be implemented (not too much!) in all areas of training including onboarding, inductions, skill building, and compliance.  Of course you’re able to blend it with other methods of training to fit the needs of your group and company. Blended learning is a very successful way of training, and is also highly encouraged. With our custom training programs, we can bring your vision of excellence for your organization to life using gaming.


Reach out to us if you’re ready to propel your staff in corporate training and have fun.

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