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Is Your Company Ready for a Virtual Reality Compliance Training? - Interactive Services

Are you ready to take your company’s e-learning compliance class to the next level? One of the ways to make your training truly stand out is to make it a virtual reality training. This might sound like a leap into the twilight zone, but this technology is ready to come to business training of all kinds right now.

For virtual reality experts, the future is now. Virtual reality technology kits are available for traditional classroom teachers in select stores, and companies can work with businesses to add this technology to compliance or other corporate training.

Thinking about giving your compliance training an upgrade to VR? Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Cost. Traditional virtual reality classes, where your employees put on headsets and special eye glasses and connect to a computer for a fully immersive experience, are still extremely expensive. However, other VR technologies are available for as little as $10. Less expensive equipment is available, such as 360 degree VR recorders and technology that connects to employees’ smart phones.
  • Creating an immersive experience. The biggest advantage of VR in compliance training is that it easily brings interactive aspects back to e-learning. Employees can virtually sit in a classroom, ask questions to the teacher, and even go beyond learning in a traditional environment. Consider creating simulations where employees can work on understanding and solving real-life compliance situations.
  • Customizing the VR class. The Journal recommends using an app like ThingLink that makes the virtual reality experience unique for each employee. This app allows employees to communicate with class creators through audio, written, and other multimedia feedback. This feedback will help trainers understand each employee’s experience with the VR compliance training and adapt future training to individual workers.


We’re ready to help you develop a compliance training that’s truly unique and will wow your employees. To outsource your e-learning or in-person compliance training to skilled trainers, contact us.

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