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A world where we all thrive by acting on shared values

A version of this statement was shared internally at LRN this week.

LRN envisions “a world where we all thrive by acting on shared values.”

It is our vision statement. At LRN we all work towards this every day. 

There is no action more at odds with this vision, nor more destructive to an ethical society, than an unprovoked attack against a nation or a group of people. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine shocks the conscience from a political perspective, but more importantly, from a humanitarian one. We will all be touched by this conflict in some way, but as with the many smaller scale conflicts and atrocities occurring around the globe, there will be people that suffer unimaginable losses and hardship. 

"The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them." – Gene Roddenberry

The strength of a civilization can be shattered quickly, but we know that it is built slowly: one person, one act, one kind word, one piece of shared wisdom at a time. We ask everyone at LRN to consider what act of kindness you can do, large or small, in support of a refugee somewhere in the world—or for a neighbor, or for a friend or stranger—to strengthen our civilization today and in the days to come. 

This week, LRN is making a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) to support their humanitarian efforts to bring critical medical supplies and services to conflict zones around the world. This year, LRN will also be matching charitable donations made by our LRN colleagues to support their efforts to build a better world.