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6 Keys to a Compelling and Successful Onboarding Program - Interactive Services

1. Have a strategy

When “inducting” new employees into your organization, a strategy is vital. It’s poor planning not to consider the objectives, goals, and desired takeaways. This is the staff members’ first true encounter with the organization, and it should be a positive experience with structure and purpose. Who will present what? Will it be digital or all paper? Are tours included? What are your main goals for the staff overall? Are there breakout sessions? All great points to consider.


2. Hand Back the Steering Wheel

In any environment, people learn more effectively when given a responsibility and assigned ownership in a learning environment. You want employees to feel empowered through the new information they are receiving. This can be done through guided tasks, self-guided tasks, and group tasks. Try mixing it up to provide a balance, and give your employees the encouragement to be innovative.


3. Take it Personal

It doesn’t have to be insane, but making new staff feel unique goes a long way. Whether it’s them picking the pose and color on name tags, or creating a cool nickname for the office chat platform. Anything to personalize the experience adds value.


4. Ask Questions

It’s difficult for new people in new spaces to open up; normally if you ask a room of new hires if they have questions they will say no. They don’t mean to be rude! They either don’t have any at that moment and don’t want to be put on the spot or they’re plain nervous. You need to create an environment that encourages knowledge exchange. Pairing them with a current employee to ask questions 1:1 is a great way to do that.


5. Build a Foundation

Ensure that new hires know exactly who they’re working for and inject the culture of your organization from the start. Great organizations have even greater staff who have pride in their company – usually because they know a ton about it. Your history, structure, values, mission, and industry are all aspects to be covered to foster a deep sense of pride and belonging. This knowledge builds the foundation for a strong career.


6. Fresh Eyes are Good Eyes

Don’t force the new hires to have to climb several ladders in order to have a voice! There’s a place for lying dues, but you have new eyes with fresh perspective and that’s a great tool! Incorporate your new hires within the company and encourage them to ask questions, speak freely. They’ll be much more apt to innovate if they feel like they’re being useful towards upper management and peers.


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