Design learning for your unique needs. With Catalyst Design, you can completely self-customise compliance training courses in LRN’s Inspire Library to reflect your brand personality—and make it uniquely suited to your learners—without using a third party.
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Reach and engage learners no matter who or where they are. Catalyst Reach is a powerful solution designed by E&C experts to prioritise both ease of deployment and high-quality learner experience—all while meeting evolving regulatory guidance.
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Disclose and increase transparency. Catalyst Disclosures is a single—and defensible—certification and disclosure management application with built-in tracking and communication, so you can automate processes and workflows to reduce risk.
Reveal insights into risk, opportunities and programme effectiveness. Catalyst Reveal provides real-time learning, culture and sentiment metrics needed to understand and improve your compliance programme.
Put your E&C programme in the hands of your employees. Catalyst Mobile offers a single, easy-to-use app interface that allows learners to complete training, quickly access policies and codes of conduct, get answers to key questions and confidently make the right decisions.
Here are five reasons to choose LRN to help you achieve your ethics and compliance objectives.