LRN partners with AHRC to help serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in NYC. AHRC is committed to finding ways for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to build full lives as defined by each person and supported by dedicated families, staff, and community partners.

Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
LRN Chairman and Founder Dov Seidman is a member of the Embankment Project for Inclusive Capitalism Advisory Council. The Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism is a global non-profit organisation that works with leaders across the private, public, and civic sectors to make capitalism inclusive and its benefits more widely and equitably shared.

Giving Tuesday
In 2012, LRN became an official partner of #GivingTuesday, a social movement on November 27 when charities, families, businesses, and individuals come together to transform the way people think about, talk about, and participate in the winter holiday season.

Our Ability
Our Ability connects individuals with disabilities to jobs. LRN subscribes to Our Abilities Jobs gateway to search for qualified candidates and post open positions. LRN uses Our Ability’s AI-driven platform to find the right-fit candidates and support this wonderful organisation.

Partnering Against Corruption Initiative
LRN is a member of the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), the leading business voice on anti-corruption and transparency. PACI is the world-leading public-private platform in the global anti-corruption, transparency, and integrity arena with approximately 90 member companies from different sectors across the globe.

LRN works with Refinitiv, a LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business and global provider of financial software and risk solutions. LRN provides ethics and compliance expertise to the Refinitiv community of legal and compliance professionals, collaborates on events, and provides insights on ethics and compliance issues, board oversight, and ESG.

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)
LRN is an active member of Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), which is a member-based association with 6,000+ compliance and ethics members worldwide. SCCE is the pre-eminent compliance and ethics association promoting lasting success and integrity of organisations worldwide.

Tapestry Networks
LRN and Tapestry have partnered to create the Ethics, Culture, and Compliance Network (ECCN), which brings together board members to discuss the present and future of board oversight of ethics, compliance, and culture. Tapestry is a professional services company that enables public and private sector leaders to address critical challenges.

The Ethics & Compliance Initiative
LRN has been long engaged with The Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), a best practice community of organisations that are committed to creating and sustaining high quality ethics and compliance programs. With a history dating back to 1922, ECI brings together ethics and compliance professionals and academics from all over the world to share techniques, research, and most of all, exciting new ideas.

The Ethisphere® Institute
LRN has been partnering with The Ethisphere® Institute since 2015. Ethisphere is the global leader in advancing ethical business practices. Ethisphere honors superior achievement through its World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition, brings together top companies in the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance, and showcases best practices with Ethisphere Magazine.

The HOW Institute for Society
The HOW Institute is a non-profit, founded by LRN Chairman and Founder Dov Seidman, with an aligned though separate mission to build and nurture a culture of moral leadership, principled decision-making, and values-based behaviour across all sectors of society. Among the collaborations, LRN colleagues participate in the NXT-GEN Fellowship for Moral Leadership, an accelerator program for emerging organisational leaders.

The Initiative
LRN is proud to partner with The Initiative to help support efforts around community policing and behaviour change. The Initiative’s mission is to heal the community-police relationship and create safer communities where we are all seen and heard. LRN is committed to creating and producing, on a pro bono basis, seven fully custom on-demand e-learning modules on topics ranging from mindfulness to procedural justice that will be available to law enforcement communities across the United States.

The UN Global Compact
LRN joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2010. The UNGC and LRN share a common purpose of inspiring principled performance in business and working together to help companies embed and embody a set of universally accepted values. LRN plays an active leadership role in support of Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

The World Economic Forum
LRN became a member of the World Economic Forum more than a decade ago when LRN was invited into WEF’s community of high-growth companies with the potential to be tomorrow’s industry leaders and a driving force of economic and social change. LRN is a leading voice in WEF’s Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society, which advances prosperous, inclusive, and equitable economies and societies that provide opportunity for everyone to fulfil their potential.

Per Scholas
Per Scholas is a U.S. organisation designed to advance economic equity through rigorous training for tech careers and to connect skilled talent to leading businesses. Per Scholas has helped more than 14,000 individuals in 17 cities across the country build skills and earn certifications. To ensure that the right career is accessible to everyone, Per Scholas covers the cost of all supplies a learner might need. This could be a laptop and WIFI to participate in remote training, textbooks, lab supplies, or fees when learners take certification exams to gain industry credentials.