IBF-accredited compliance training courses for Singapore financial sector

Get up to 70% funding support for financial services industry professionals*

To help your organisation build a culture of compliance and meet mandatory requirements by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), LRN's IBF FTS and Core SFA/FAA CPD-accredited courses engage your employees with relevant content to think and act ethically.

Our courses are developed by subject matter experts who constantly monitor regulatory changes. They are kept updated consistently to reflect latest regulatory developments by the MAS.

Risk areas include:
  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • Market Conduct
  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption
  • Employee Conduct & Ethics
  • Organisational Conduct, Culture & Ethics
  • Data Privacy, Confidentiality & Information Security
  • Financial Conduct & Banking Regulations
  • Sanctions & Trade Controls

Let us work together to protect your business and reduce risk. 

Get in touch and receive a copy of the course catalogue (for organisations applying for IBF-accredited courses on behalf of their employees)


What is the IBF Financial Training Scheme (FTS)?


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The IBF FTS provides funding for financial sector-specific training courses which are:

  • Recognised under FTS
  • Not accredited under the Skills Framework for Financial Services (SFwFS)

This scheme is only available for company-sponsored individuals.

LRN is recognised as an IBF-accredited training provider under this scheme.

Who is eligible for the IBF funding? 

  Effective date Courses commencing from 1 January 2023  
  Funding quantum - 30% funding support of direct training cost for Singapore Citizens and all Permanent Residents below 40 years old
- 70% funding support for all Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above*
  Grant gap S$500 per participant per course  
  Eligible companies - Singapore-based Financial Institutions regulated by MAS (licensed or exempt from licensing by MAS)
- FinTech firms certified by Singapore FinTech Association (SFA)
  Eligible participants - Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents, physically based in Singapore; and
- Successfully completed FTS recognised course (including passing all relevant assessments where applicable)
- Individuals must be company-sponsored
  Earliest claim submission date After the course participants have successfully completed the course  
  Claim submission deadline Within 3 months from the completion of the course  


Visit the IBF website for more information.

Why work with LRN?

Finding the right training provider can be challenging. At LRN, we are committed to helping you build an effective ethics and compliance programme for your organisation. For over 29 years, LRN has helped organisations like yours build programmes that reduce risk and meet industry requirements while still prioritising organisational culture, the learner experience, and business performance. Globally, we are already helping 2,800+ companies educate over 3.9 million learners. And we want to work with you next.